Learn What Gen Z Employees Can Bring Your Company

  • Learn What Gen Z Employees Can Bring Your Company

    Learn What Gen Z Employees Can Bring Your Company

    It’s hard to believe, but the next generation of workers is already graduating college. While many companies are still figuring out how to best work with Millennials, Generation Z is receiving college degrees and starting their job hunting.

    Also called the iGeneration, members of Gen Z were born between the mid-1990s and the early 2000s. They’re just starting to enter the workforce, so if you get to know this generation now it’ll put your company in a strong position to recruit and retain them in the future.

    AP Solutions - Gen Z Employees

    True Digital Natives

    While Millenials are typically comfortable with technology, the members of Gen Z grew up literally immersed in technology. Computers and electronics have been a key part of their entire lives and they can’t remember a world without Google at their fingertips.

    Because they’re so used to technology, Gen Z employees expect technology in the workplace. They’ll be perfectly comfortable learning new technology and working with business process automation systems.

    Focused On Stability

    Unlike Millennials, who view job-hopping as normal, members of Gen Z value stability in a work environment. When surveyed, 61 percent of Gen Z said they would stay at a company for more than 10 years. That’s in stark contrast to Millennials, where 91 percent expect to stay in a job less than 3 years.

    Gen Z is pragmatic. They want stability and they’re going to prioritize finding a job that pays well and provides good benefits over one that is “fulfilling.” If they like your company, they’ll tend to stay there.

    Willing to Work

    By and large, members of this generation are results-oriented and entrepreneurial. Gen Z is willing to start at the bottom, pay their dues, and work their way up. They want a certain amount of freedom within that structure, though.

    If your company can give Gen Z opportunities to improve company processes and take ownership of their own work, they’ll thrive. On the flip-side, if you stop them from innovating or limit their freedom to work on side projects in their own time, they’re likely to go looking for another job.

    Automation and Gen Z

    The use of automated system fits in perfectly with Gen Z values. They like technology and they’ll thrive when given the right tools to do their jobs. And when they’re thriving in a job, they’ll stay loyal to your company for many years.

    One thing that differentiates NextProcess is our agility in the marketplace. Rather than forcing customers to adapt their process to our software, we’re constantly adding new functionality based on client needs/wants. This leads to a more robust/powerful tool that will give Gen Z workers the ability to be creative and have their best ideas implemented. Contact us for a free demonstration and learn how we can help your company get ready for the future.