Facilitating Your Spend Management: Automation for Every Industry

  • Facilitating Your Spend Management: Automation for Every Industry

    Facilitating Your Spend Management: Automation for Every Industry

    Any business, large or small, has to deal with many of the same processes when it comes to spend management. This is also true for all types of businesses. On a broad scale, every industry needs to make purchases and manage company spend effectively.

    However, small businesses often lack the efficient setup that most large businesses have in place to process their expenses. This could be a significant roadblock for expansion and profit. NextProcess can offer small businesses the chance to efficiently manage their procurement processes easily and affordably.

    On the other hand, large businesses often have complex spend management processes that rely on outdated systems. If your company is working with paper-based expense management or clunky, outdated software, NextProcess can help upgrade your process to manage budgeting and procurement efficiently.

    Whatever the size of your company, and no matter the industry you’re in, our purchasing software can help you automate and control your expense administration and lead you to a bright, successful future!

    Facilitating Your Spend Management Automation for Every Industry PO Software

    Purchase Order Software from NextProcess

    One of the most popular modules NextProcess offers is the Purchase Order (PO) Module. This software is a customizable, web-based system that is easy to use, inexpensive, and extremely effective.

    After one simple training session, workers can confidently run purchase orders and manage the flow of expenses in and out of their company. Key features of the Purchase Order Software include:

    • Automated review and approval workflow.
    • Emailed purchase order submission with confirmation capabilities.
    • Complete audit traceability.
    • Built-in vendor catalog.
    • Flexibility.
    • Purchase order modification functionality.
    • Configurable receiving tolerances.
    • Immediate invoice decrementing.

    With this type of visibility, automation, and control, you’ll never have to worry about exceeding budgets, unapproved orders, duplicate orders, or losing track of any of your orders. The software also scales to the exact needs of your company, whatever your size or industry.

    Adding AP Software to Improve Spend Management

    The procurement department is a key part of managing company spend. However, that’s not the only department involved. When you’re working to improve spend management, you’ll want to consider the whole procure-to-pay cycle from budgeting, to purchasing, to receiving, to accounts payable.

    NextProcess’s software modules work together with each other and your company’s existing ERP to create a full spend management solution. For example, if you automate using both the procurement and accounts payable (AP) modules, you’ll get robust tools to manage spend from the very start of the purchasing process to the final payments. Working together, these two software tools help your company:

    • Negotiate with suppliers more effectively.
    • Evaluate current and future suppliers.
    • Improve supplier relationships.
    • Generate complete, accurate data to improve spend analytics.
    • Improve interdepartmental communication.
    • Reduce risks and mistakes.
    • Quickly match purchase orders with invoices for faster processing.

    With AP and PO software working together, your company gets a more complete overview of company spend management. You’ll also gain improved visibility and control over the whole procure-to-pay process.


    A System Suitable for Everyone

    Because the modules from NextProcess are so flexible, they can be customized to function ideally for any type of industry. Our current clients represent a wide variety of industries, including these:

    • Healthcare—our HIPPA-compliant software platform helps healthcare companies securely manage their procure-to-pay process.
    • Energy—find scalable solutions and manage large-scale projects easily with automation software.
    • Financial Services—tighten controls, reduce errors, and simplify complex financial processing with customizable software solutions.
    • Technology—put automation technology to work for your company, freeing up employees to focus on value-added tasks rather than routine paperwork.
    • Manufacturing—tighten purchasing controls, improve record keeping, and manage orders for supplies, parts, and raw materials easily with NextProcess software.
    • Retail—take control of inventory, purchasing, and expenses with software that easily tracks details and improves oversight.
    • Hospitality and Travel—automation software adapts quickly to busy travel seasons, letting your company process increased paperwork without hiring temps.
    • Transportation & Logistics—remote software access makes it simple to access important financial data and streamline expense reporting from any location around the world.
    • Business & Professional Services—drive value by automating routine, repetitive tasks so employees can focus on delivering the best service to clients.
    • Automotive—manage complex supply chains and relationships with vendors easily with purchasing automation software.
    • Food & Beverage Services—tighten purchasing controls across multiple locations using a centralized software platform with a customized item catalog and punch-out catalog.
    • Housing & Real Estate—easily submit documents to web-based software from any location with internet access, and keep up with busy seasons using scalable software tools.

    If you are looking for a way to increase your efficiency and manage company expenses, contact NextProcess today to learn about how we can help you! We’ll be happy to answer any questions you have and set up a free demo so you can see our software in action.
