Reduce Costs With Automatic AP Software (old)

  • Reduce Costs With Automatic AP Software (old)

    Reduce Costs With Automatic AP Software (old)

    The Accounts Payable (AP) department is often one of the slowest to switch over to automation software. You might worry that it will cost too much money, or reduce your control over company finances, or won’t actually save time. These are common ideas, but they’re also myths that could be costing your company money.


    Save Money

    Though setting up an automatic accounts payable system requires an initial expense, it will save you money in the long term. These savings take many forms. For example, you can process more payments as you grow your business without increasing staffing levels. Real-time tracking also avoids duplicate payments that could easily slip under the radar in a paper-based system and cut into your bottom line.

    NextProcess AP Automation Software will immediately reduce costs across the board. We promise faster processing and fewer headaches. Invoices move through the system quickly and efficiently, and approval reminders are sent automatically. Quicker processing and increased accuracy means you’ll avoid late fees and take advantage of early payment discounts.

    Gain More Control

    Automatic AP software provides increased visibility and control over your AP process. Our AP software sets up a centralized document repository that puts every single invoice at you fingertips. Whenever you need to look at AP history, it’s right there in a format that’s easy to access and search.

    All the information about current and past AP transactions are stored in the database, giving you the control and oversight necessary to quickly correct any errors. You can also give your vendors access to their own invoices on your AP platform, all while maintaining control over exactly what they can access. This lets your vendors check payment status and submit any missing invoices without bothering your AP department.

    Improve Efficiency

    NextProcess is committed to making your AP system as efficient as possible and helping you configure it for your company’s exact needs. Our high volume mail center quickly gets your invoices digitized  for you and entered into your system. We don’t lose paper, and we can process e-mail and EDI submissions as well. No more filing or scanning paper invoices, no more manually matching purchase orders to invoices, no more delays from lost files. This also frees-up time for your employees to focus on other tasks that aren’t so easily automated.

    Our proprietary data capture technology ensures over 99% accuracy on every invoice. Straight-forward invoices are automatically GL coded, routed for electronic approval, and matched with the corresponding purchase order in your system. Your employees only have to review and handle exceptions that don’t pass established system rules.
